Title : NEW ?OMICRON? VARIANT OF COVID 19 (Prelims Specific Topic)
Date : Nov 27, 2021
Description :
The World Health Organization's scientific experts cautioned on Friday that a new coronavirus variety detected in southern Africa was a "variant of concern," the agency's highest dangerous classification for such tracking.
The classification, which came following an emergency session of the health body, is earmarked for hazardous variations that could quickly spread, cause serious sickness, or reduce the efficiency of immunizations or treatments. Delta, the most recent coronavirus variation to gain this designation, exploded this summer and now accounts for nearly all Covid infections in the United States.
According to the World Health Organization, the new strain, dubbed Omicron, has a variety of genetic changes that could enabling it to proliferate swiftly, even among those who have been vaccinated.
Independent researchers agreed that Omicron required immediate action, but added that determining the scope of the threat would require more research. While certain variations of concern, such as Delta, have remained true to preliminary expectations, others have had just a little impact.