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Current Affairs


Date : Nov 30, 2021

Description :



Health Related Topics & International Organizations


  • About WHO:


  • In 1948, the United Nations' specialised organisation for health, the World Health Organization (WHO), was established.
  • The company's headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland.
  • There are 194 Member States, 150 Country Offices, and six Regional Offices in the Organization.
  • It is an intergovernmental organisation that collaborates with its member states, usually through their health ministries.
  • The WHO leads on global health issues by setting the research agenda, establishing norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy alternatives, assisting nations with technical assistance, and monitoring and assessing health trends.
  • It began operations on April 7, 1948, which is now observed as World Health Day every year.


  • Objectives:


  • Assume the role of directing and organising international health work.
  • Establish and sustain efficient coordination with the United Nations, specialised agencies, governmental health administrations, professional groups, and other organisations as needed.
  • On request, provide help to governments in strengthening health services.
  • To encourage collaboration between scientific and professional organisations that work to improve health.


  • Governance:


  • Delegates representing Members make up the Health Assembly.
  • Each Member is represented by a maximum of three delegates, one of whom is appointed as head delegate by the Member.
  • These delegates are chosen from among those with the highest level of technical expertise in the subject of health, preferably representing the Member's national health administration.
  • The Health Assembly holds regular annual sessions as well as special sessions on occasion.


  • Functions:
  • The Organization's policies are decided by the Health Assembly.
  • It oversees the Organization's financial policy and examines and approves the budget.
  • In accordance with any agreement between the Organization and the United Nations, it reports to the Economic and Social Council.


  • Secretariat of WHO:


  • The Secretariat is a group of people who work together to make
  • The Director-General, as well as such technical and administrative staff as the Organization may require, make up the Secretariat.
  • The Health Assembly appoints the Director-General on the Board's nomination and on such terms as the Assembly determines.


  • Source à The Hindu à 30/11/21 à Page Number 1

Tags : WHO, World Health Day

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