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Current Affairs

Title : About MGNREGA

Date : Nov 10, 2021

Description :

Topic: Government Schemes:

· Why in News:

· According to its financial statements, the financial corpus Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) has been depleted in the current financial year.


· Impacts:

· This means that payments under MGNREGA will be delayed, unless governments use additional money to support the MGNREGA coffers.


· About MGNREGA:

· The program was launched in 2005 as a social initiative that guarantees the “right to work”.

· A key point of this social and labour law is that local/state government will have to formally provide at least 100 days of wages in rural India to improve their quality of life.


· Key objectives:

· Generation of paid rural employment of not less than 100 days for each volunteer worker with unskilled work.

· Continuing to ensure community inclusion by strengthening the livelihood of the rural poor.

· Construction of durable infrastructure in rural areas such as springs, lakes, roads and canals.

· Reduce urban migration from rural areas.

· Building rural infrastructure through underutilized domestic workers.


· The following are eligible ways to receive benefits under the MGNREGA program:

· You must be a citizen of India to claim the benefits of MGNREGA.

· A job applicant has completed 18 years of age.

· The applicant must be part of a local family of that village (i.e. the application must be made through a local Gram Panchayat).

· Applicants must volunteer for unskilled jobs.


· Program implementation:

· Within 15 days of submitting the application or from the date on which the job is sought, salary work will be provided to the applicant.

· There is a right to receive an unemployment benefit grant, in the event that the work is not granted within 15 days of submission of the application or from the date of application.

· The Social Audit of MGNREGA works is mandatory to enhance their accountability and transparency.


· Prelims Link:

· Under MGNREGA, what are the roles of Gram Sabha, Gram Panchayat, States, State Food Commission, Center?

· What is payroll?

· Who does social research?

·Source :


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