Title : National Creditors' Litigation Tribunal (NCLT)
Date : Jan 17, 2022
Description :
Topic à Statutory and Non-Statutory Bodies
The Companies Act of 2013 was used to form the company.
It hears appeals from the following orders:
The National Creditors' Litigation Tribunal (NCLT) was established in 2016 under Section 61 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC).
Sections 202 and 211 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) are used by the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India.
India's Competition Commission (CCI).
After consultation with the Chief Justice of India, the President of the Tribunal, as well as the chairperson and judicial members of the Appellate Tribunal, will be chosen.
The Tribunal Members and Technical Members will be nominated based on the recommendations of a Selection Committee that includes:
Chairman: Chief Justice of India or his nominee.
Member: a senior Supreme Court judge or a Chief Justice of the High Court.
Member of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs' Secretariat.
Member of the Ministry of Law and Justice's Secretary.
Member of the Ministry of Finance's Department of Financial Services Secretary.
Chairperson — Must be or have been a Supreme Court judge or the Chief Justice of the High Court.
Judicial Member - Is or has been a High Court judge or a judicial member of a tribunal for at least 5 years.
Technical member– A person of demonstrated skill, honesty, and standing who has at least 25 years of special knowledge and expertise (in specified areas).
The chairperson and members have a 5-year term of office and can be reappointed for another 5-year term.