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Title : Triple-Dip La Nina and its likely impact in India

Date : Sep 22, 2022

Description :

A “triple-dip” La Nina is a multiyear cooling of the surface temperature of the equatorial Pacific Ocean, which can cause droughts, fierce winds and heavy rainfall.According to WMO, the current La Nina is projected to span three consecutive northern hemisphere winters. It began in September 2020.If it continues for the next six months, it will be the first “triple-dip” La Nina event of the 21st century, WMO says.

This would be the first “triple-dip” La Nina this century.

El Nino and La Nina

The periodic warming and cooling of surface waters in the equatorial Pacific Ocean — a phenomenon described as El Niño Southern Oscillations, or ENSO — is known to trigger widespread changes in atmospheric conditions, and has a major influence on global weather patterns, including the Indian monsoon. 

El Niño (Spanish for ‘little boy’), the more common expression, is the abnormal surface warming observed along the eastern and central regions of the Pacific Ocean.
The La Niña (Spanish for ‘little girl’) is an abnormal cooling of these surface waters.

Together, the El Niño (Warm Phase) and La Niña (Cool Phase) phenomena are termed as El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO).

Indian context:-

In the Indian context, La Nina is associated with good rainfall during the monsoon season.This is the opposite of El Nino which is known to suppress monsoon rainfall.


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Tags : la nina, al nino

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