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Current Affairs

Title : Istanbul Convention on Violence against Women

Date : Nov 22, 2021

Description :



Topic à Women Empowerment & International Organizations:


  • Context:


  • Hundreds of women are murdered every year in Turkey, and popular hashtags on social media and street rallies have become all too common.
  • This month, a particularly heinous murder has sparked widespread outrage over the government's alleged failure to prevent gender-based violence, according to women's rights groups.
  • Activists claim that by withdrawing from the Istanbul Convention, a historic Council of Europe agreement from 2011 defining how to secure women's safety, Turkey has abandoned a path that it

was the first country to sign.



  • Background:


  • Turkey became the first country to ratify the Istanbul Convention on November 24, 2011 and to adopt it into local legislation on March 8, 2012.


  • Why is it that withdrawal is being chastised:


  • Turkey has faced harsh criticism from a variety of sectors, resulting in nationwide rallies.
  • Despite the country's unacceptably high rates of violence and femicide, the country has withdrawn from the pact.
  • In the Global Gender Gap Report 2021, the country is ranked 133rd out of 156 countries.
  • According to UN Women data, 38% of Turkish women experience abuse from a partner at some point in their lives.
  • There are no official records of femicides kept by the Turkish government.


What are the causes for Turkey's decision to leave:


  • According to the report, the conference denigrates traditional family structures, encourages divorce, and promotes acceptance of LGBTQ people in society.
  • It also claimed that it has sufficient local laws to defend women's rights.


  • Concerns:


  • Domestic violence against women and girls has become more prevalent over the world as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • People are also concerned that Turkish women's basic rights and safeguards may now be jeopardised.


  • What is the Istanbul Convention, and why is it important:


  • The Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence is another name for it.
  • The treaty is the first legally enforceable agreement aimed at preventing and combating violence against women in the globe.
  • Domestic abuse, rape, sexual assault, female genital mutilation (FGM), so-called honour-based violence, and forced marriage are all covered by this extensive legal framework.
  • When a government ratifies the Convention, it commits to upholding it.


  • On April 7, 2011, the Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers approved the treaty.
  • When it comes to combating violence against women, the Convention establishes basic standards that states must adhere to.


  • Prelims Hot-Link:


  • When did it get signed?
  • Which country is the first to sign the convention?
  • Which country just opted to leave the convention?
  • What exactly is the Council of Europe?


Tags : women safety, women empowerment

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